Bereavement Memory Boxes

Bereavement Memory Boxes provide families who have recently suffered a loss of a loved one a keepsake. The memory boxes provide a token that will provide a small level of comfort and help to keep the memory of their loved one alive. 

Each kit is uniquely made for the family. Most kits will include: a journal, pen, candle, frame for a picture of their loved one, and a packet of seeds to grow their own plant in memory of their loved one. Some will include a stuffed animal or blanket as another layer of comfort. Each box will include an invitation to our Peer Support Meetings. 

We walked the same walk these families are going through, we know how long and painful of a journey losing a loved one is. Families that do not have support systems after a loss struggle with grief, depression, substance abuse, and even suicidal thoughts. We want families to know they are never alone and there is help out there. 

To request a kit for yourself and a family in need, please fill out the form on our contact page. 

Bereavement Memory Boxes